Minimal Prep Tip 4 - The Delightful Dose of the Dailies
Dailies are the things your kids love to do to start off their day that is not the major curriculum. It can be songs you sing together, questions you discuss, or a specific journal they complete and share with you. It’s a time to grow together...a time to nurture character development...a time to laugh together. It’s a time to discuss big topics about life. It’s a time to remember that life is short and relationships are to be treasured.

Minimal Prep Tip 3 - Give them the Gift of Board Games
What was your favorite game as a kid? Mine was Mastermind and Speed. And, Uno, Connect Four, Operation, Chutes and Ladders, Candyland, oh, I could go on. Give the gift of games to your kids and to your homeschool.

Minimal Prep Time Tip 2 - Egg Hunt, Scavenger Hunt, Treasure Hunt
Call it whatever you want – it’s awesome any which way and my kids played it today, twice – fun cooperative learning, satisfaction in conquering the challenge, and of course, gummy, yummy treats.

Independent Activities Tip 5 - Lego Table
Hey, lego my Lego! We’ve never been a Lego family...but now we are! It’s finally happened. My kids will spend up to 1-2 hours some days just creating their “Google Town.” Of course I felt like the winning parent when my 7-year-old daughter was so excited about her first creative non-kit build...A Beer Shop! WHAT?

Independent Activities Tip 4 - Virtual Playdates
Rainy day? No problem. Sick? No problem. Out of town? No problem. Your kids can still have fun play dates with their friends through a virtual meeting space.

Independent Activities Tip 3 - Mr. DeMaio
Sometimes online educational videos are a must in homeschool, especially for working parents! Normally I will not use the LOL acronym. I just won’t. I won’t because I just don’t laugh out loud, almost never...but when we watch Mr. DeMaio, my kids and I totally LOL. My husband describes him with one word: “Hilarious.”

Independent Activities Tip 2 - The Home Art Studio
This is my favorite independent homeschooling tip. Go beyond the worksheet with creativity, invention, engineering, and story-telling by providing The Art Studio. You will get a window into your child’s heart that you’ve never seen before. After your Art Studio is set-up and you’ve laid some ground rules, this too does not require any of your time.

Independent Activities Tip 1 - Going Solo in the Morning
So, how do I get to sleep until 8am or 9am every single day as a homeschool mom? I have taught and trained my kids to work independently first thing in the morning. I call it “Solo” time.