What is Homeschooling?
Homeschooling is loaded with mindsets, philosophies, curriculum, experiences, cooperative learning & friendships, ministering to others, lifestyle choices, family time, and love.

Independent Activities Tip 5 - Lego Table
Hey, lego my Lego! We’ve never been a Lego family...but now we are! It’s finally happened. My kids will spend up to 1-2 hours some days just creating their “Google Town.” Of course I felt like the winning parent when my 7-year-old daughter was so excited about her first creative non-kit build...A Beer Shop! WHAT?

Independent Activities Tip 4 - Virtual Playdates
Rainy day? No problem. Sick? No problem. Out of town? No problem. Your kids can still have fun play dates with their friends through a virtual meeting space.

Independent Activities Tip 3 - Mr. DeMaio
Sometimes online educational videos are a must in homeschool, especially for working parents! Normally I will not use the LOL acronym. I just won’t. I won’t because I just don’t laugh out loud, almost never...but when we watch Mr. DeMaio, my kids and I totally LOL. My husband describes him with one word: “Hilarious.”

Independent Activities Tip 2 - The Home Art Studio
This is my favorite independent homeschooling tip. Go beyond the worksheet with creativity, invention, engineering, and story-telling by providing The Art Studio. You will get a window into your child’s heart that you’ve never seen before. After your Art Studio is set-up and you’ve laid some ground rules, this too does not require any of your time.

Independent Activities Tip 1 - Going Solo in the Morning
So, how do I get to sleep until 8am or 9am every single day as a homeschool mom? I have taught and trained my kids to work independently first thing in the morning. I call it “Solo” time.