Virtual Playdate: Mad Hatter Mad Libs
It’s mayhem. It’s madness. It’s Mad Libs. We love it in our goofy giggly house and it’s part of our Delightful Dailies. Sometimes my kids peacefully play them individually, or we complete them round-robin style like we did today with our Coop Group. It’s word play at its finest - actually at its silliest…especially when your kids pick tortuous toots, boisterous burps, and tumbling toilets as their fill-in-the-blank words.

Forget Social Distancing - Try Some Virtual Togetherness!
Through our struggles with homeschooling during a pandemic, we are having to cope and create our own version of normal to best serve our children that looks so different than our normal homeschooling life. As part of our coping, we decided to plan an amazing schedule of Zoom meet-ups for our sweet homeschool friend group.