Eleventh Hour Party: A Curious No Murder Mystery Dinner
My daughter wanted a party unlike all others and based on The Eleventh Hour: A Curious Mystery. I got creative and made my own! Now I want to share it here for any others who adore this book and may want to have their very own Eleventh Hour Party.

Raising Critical Thinkers - Book Review
Julie Bogart, author of The Brave Learner and creator of The Brave Writer, came out with a new book this year, Raising Critical Thinkers. We read it and review it for you.

Bells of Confinement: Musings On
Remember the bells commanding you throughout your days in institutionalized school? We jump off from Gatto’s thought-provoking preface about bells and more to dive into how those confining signals might seep into our own homeschooling routines. Sometimes we need a little reminder that we are free.