Eleventh Hour Party: A Curious No Murder Mystery Dinner
My daughter wanted a party unlike all others and based on The Eleventh Hour: A Curious Mystery. I got creative and made my own! Now I want to share it here for any others who adore this book and may want to have their very own Eleventh Hour Party.

School Rules: The Hidden Curriculum in Institutionalized Schools
Children these days are laden with rules galore - and the majority of these rules are from institutionalized schooling. So, does school rule? We share our thoughts on an award-winning public school teacher’s commentary on School’s hidden curriculum.

Favorite Enrichment Book Series: Who was…Where is…What is…
This book series helps you build the unit study, create an enriching learning experience for your co-op, and make your road trip more memorable!

Favorite Books: Bigger Than Just a Book
You don’t always know it when you see it. It’s beauty and changing and love. You won’t know it until you read it. It’s a moment that I love. It’s when a book becomes bigger than just a book, it’s: the biggers.