10 Tools to Enrich Your Homeschool Life
A few tools can make a huge difference in your homeschool life, and we share our favorite ones! From binding machines to must-have resources, you can customize and build the homeschool life you want.

Transitioning to Homeschooling: First Day of School
When transitioning from public school to homeschool, a new first day of school could be the visible, fun, and memorable transition that you all need. Read for tips, practical ideas, and a sample schedule for your customized first day of school.

Homeschool Hack: Add Novelty to Improve Focus & Attention
Promote attention and focus in your child’s learning by adding novelty - not just buying new things, but implementing activities that provide novel learning experiences!

Modern Day Mentors: When Media Mentors our Children
Who do you let into your home on a regular basis? Is it possible that the stranger on social media, or a fictional character on a TV show or movie is getting to mentor your child more than the people who actually know and love your child? We touch on this as we look at author John Taylor Gatto’s thoughts on modern day mentors.

Bells of Confinement: Musings On
Remember the bells commanding you throughout your days in institutionalized school? We jump off from Gatto’s thought-provoking preface about bells and more to dive into how those confining signals might seep into our own homeschooling routines. Sometimes we need a little reminder that we are free.

Identifying as a Homeschool Mom
I identify as a “Homeschool Mom,” but there is so much more to me.