You Are Enough
You are enough. You are exactly who your children need right now. You know your child better than anyone and are equipped to guide them on their educational journey.

Should I Let My Kid Quit?
It’s so hard to know when quitting is the right decision or when it is a detriment to our child’s development. How do we know when we should let our child quit? We discuss research, helpful questions to ask and consider, and some practical tools to figuring out this hard parenting question with your child.

How to Help Children with Friendships
Friendship is a huge component of helping our children live a joyful life! Navigating friendships can be both beautiful and challenging. It is important that we, as parents, equip ourselves to guide our children and help foster healthy friendships.

My Kid is Bored
What should we do when our kids give us the boredom report? We all have mixed feelings when it comes to our kids feeling or saying that they are bored. But there’s more to boredom than what we typically know and believe about it.

10 Homeschool Hacks
It's the small things we do throughout our homeschool days that make our lifestyle a bit easier. We offer 10 shortcuts to creating the homeschool life you want.

Idol of School
Have we let school become an idol? So much conversation centers around kids’ schooling, including: achievements, success, challenges, and interventions. We all seem so concerned about measuring our kids, that I have to ask: is our focus on school healthy?

Character Complexity - Teaching History without Heroes and Villains
Let’s stop canceling historical figures and stop hero-worshiping them too. Instead, let’s teach historical figures as complex people, just like you and me.

10 Tips for Planning Your Homeschool Year
One of our favorite things about homeschool is planning out all the amazing things we want to teach our kids. Over the years we’ve experienced both extremes: over-planning and under-planning. Both can be frustrating, but will a few of our best tips, you can plan an awesome school year of your own.

The Real Curriculum is the Extra Stuff
It’s the extra stuff we learned as children that we remember, not the textbooks and workbooks.

Homeschool Hack: Add Novelty to Improve Focus & Attention
Promote attention and focus in your child’s learning by adding novelty - not just buying new things, but implementing activities that provide novel learning experiences!

Modern Day Mentors: When Media Mentors our Children
Who do you let into your home on a regular basis? Is it possible that the stranger on social media, or a fictional character on a TV show or movie is getting to mentor your child more than the people who actually know and love your child? We touch on this as we look at author John Taylor Gatto’s thoughts on modern day mentors.

Fears of a Homeschool Mom
You are not alone. Every homeschool mom has fears about how her homeschooling decisions impact her child. Take heart though, while your child grows, so do you.

School Rules: The Hidden Curriculum in Institutionalized Schools
Children these days are laden with rules galore - and the majority of these rules are from institutionalized schooling. So, does school rule? We share our thoughts on an award-winning public school teacher’s commentary on School’s hidden curriculum.

What Is Socialization?
Socialization often comes up as one of the first concerns people have when they think of homeschooled children. Many people think (wrongly) that homeschooled children don’t interact often enough with others to be well socialized. We believe that much of this concerns comes from not understanding what socialization really is.

Permission to Fail
Homeschooling is hard. Parenting is hard. We are going to make mistakes, and we are going to do things wrong. We need to give ourselves permission to fail.

Interacting With Homeschool Haters
We all encounter haters in our lives. Some haters are people easy to dismiss and others are important people in our lives who disagree loudly with us. Either way, when it comes to homeschooling, it is important to know how to interact with the haters.

No Content Left Behind: Managing Expectations for Grade Level Standards
As homeschoolers, do we need state standards? Will necessary content be left behind if we do not follow the standards? We discuss educational gaps and more here and on our podcast, episode 40.

Motivating My Child to Learn: Sticker Charts and Why They Don’t Stick
What motivates your child? We dive into what types of motivation are driving your kids, and how to be intentional with helping your child with his motivation.

The Gift of Boredom
Boredom is a gift. It’s the catalyst that begins everything creative. We discuss the importance of free time and why it’s essential in your homeschool day.

Us-Schooling: The Customized, Magical Homeschooling Philosophy
Can we all just say we “Us-School”? Julie Bogart’s book, The Brave Learner, reminds the homeschool family to customize and find the magic in the ordinary.