Q & A a Day for Kids: 3 Year Journal
This activity book is literally my kids’ favorite thing we do as we gather around together for our homeschool day - for the past 6 years. It’s a time capsule in a book!

My Kid is Bored
What should we do when our kids give us the boredom report? We all have mixed feelings when it comes to our kids feeling or saying that they are bored. But there’s more to boredom than what we typically know and believe about it.

10 Homeschool Hacks
It's the small things we do throughout our homeschool days that make our lifestyle a bit easier. We offer 10 shortcuts to creating the homeschool life you want.

Why Teach History Through Games
Ordinary people who lived extraordinary lives are what makes history fascinating! It’s important to find ways for your children to connect with history so that they too can enjoy the triumphs of others - and games are one way.

10 Ways to Add Magic to Your Homeschool Life
Sometimes, to find a deeper joy in homeschooling, you just need to add a little magic! From unique learning adventures like a "Donut Road Trip" to allowing space for a large portion of free time, we provide a fun and creative list of 10 ways to add magic to your homeschool life.

A Missed Opportunity in Homeschooling: Pumpkin Mold
Missed opportunities are rampant when homeschooling your children, because every piece of life can be a teachable moment. But, this time, I really missed out on a great opportunity to teach my children about a very present fungi found almost everywhere, including our carved pumpkins.

A Few of My Fearsome Things: Halloween
Spooky fun, gurgling cauldrons, and ghoulish opportunities for creativity are what a homeschool Halloween is all about! We share our fearsome four Halloween favorites with how-to’s and free downloadables.

Summer Recharge: 5 Ways to Renew Your Homeschool Spirit
It’s summer, so let’s recharge our homeschool inspiration! With a these few ideas, your summer will not fly by and will feel intentional and renewing for your homeschool spirit.