Eleventh Hour Party: A Curious No Murder Mystery Dinner
My daughter wanted a party unlike all others and based on The Eleventh Hour: A Curious Mystery. I got creative and made my own! Now I want to share it here for any others who adore this book and may want to have their very own Eleventh Hour Party.

Nutcracker Theme Day
Son of a Nutcracker! It’s Christmas season and there are so many fun opportunities for theme days. One of my absolute favorites is the Nutcracker, so it’s no surprise that this theme day plays out a little more like a full unit study.

Theme Days: Pirate Fun
“Hey, you guys!” It’s time for a pirate theme day, all centered around The Goonies. “Goonies never say die!” Remember Sloth and “Baaaaaaby Ruth” and the majestic One Eyed Willy pirate ship full of dazzling treasure?

Theme Days: Diary of a Wimpy Kid Day
“Let me just say for the record that I think middle school is the dumbest idea ever invented. You got kids like me who haven't hit their growth spurt yet mixed in with these gorillas who need to shave twice a day.” Greg Heffley cracks me up a bunch of times in The Diary of a Wimpy Kid series by Jeff Kinney. His “diary” hits the mark for life in middle school. Even though my kids are homeschooled, they totally related.

How to Create Your Own Epic Theme Day
Are you wondering, “How can I put on a theme day?” We are here to help! We have set up number of theme days planned for you! Check out our list below to either incorporate theme days into your next week, or to even just inspire you to create a theme for your own children’s unique interests.

Theme Days: Frozen Fever
“How I wish it could stay this way forever, and yet change mocks us with her beauty.” Olaf’s deep thoughts were a highlight in Frozen 2, and so timely. This current time is one of change - and it is difficult for sure. But there is also beauty to be found. Let’s find that beauty each day - by giving our kids a memorable fun day with a deep, loving relationship at the heart of it…with a Frozen Fever Day!

Theme Days: Sports Day
My first-born almost ten-year-old son has never missed an opening day of Major League Baseball EVER! For nine seasons Opening Day symbolized a season of bonding for the three biggest Angels fans; three generations - my son, my spouse, and my dad. That is…until this year. This year, we are crestfallen. We have no “Opening Day.” Cheer up! Yes we do! We can have our own “Opening Day” Sports Day instead!

Star Wars Day, May the Fourth be with You
It’s Star Wars Day on May 4th, and we share our favorite ways to celebrate. There are books, games, educational activities and so much more to make your Star Wars Day come to life.