Hesitant to Homeschool: 5 Tips to Inspire Confidence
If you are hesitant to homeschool, look no further. This guide answers the top 20 questions about homeschooling with short, simple, researched-based answers that will inspire and inform you. Check out a glimpse of this book with these 5 Homeschool Tips to help take you from hesitant to confident.

10 Tips for Planning Your Homeschool Year
One of our favorite things about homeschool is planning out all the amazing things we want to teach our kids. Over the years we’ve experienced both extremes: over-planning and under-planning. Both can be frustrating, but will a few of our best tips, you can plan an awesome school year of your own.

Bells of Confinement: Musings On
Remember the bells commanding you throughout your days in institutionalized school? We jump off from Gatto’s thought-provoking preface about bells and more to dive into how those confining signals might seep into our own homeschooling routines. Sometimes we need a little reminder that we are free.

Identifying as a Homeschool Mom
I identify as a “Homeschool Mom,” but there is so much more to me.