Favorite Enrichment Book Series: Who was…Where is…What is…
This book series helps you build the unit study, create an enriching learning experience for your co-op, and make your road trip more memorable!

Creative Ways to Add Movement to Your Homeschool
Humans are born to move, from the tiniest of babies to the greatest of grandmas still caring for their loved ones. The most basic yet critical movement skills develop between the ages of 0-3: rolling over, crawling, walking, and running. Movement is the key to learning! It activates the neural wiring throughout the body improving cognitive function.

An Artist Study: Claude Monet
Bonjour! Let’s visit Paris, eat some crepes, and enjoy learning about Claude Monet with our kids! This artist study will add magic and fun to your homeschool life.

The Fun of Freckle Juice: Creating Activities Around a Read-Aloud
So, I read the book Freckle Juice, by Judy Blume. With each chapter I gave my kids The Bedtime Choice – “Should I read the next chapter, or do you want to go straight to bed?” So needless to say, we read the whole book in about 30-45 minutes.