Gather ‘Round Homeschool Unit Study Review
We are HUGE fans of Gather ‘Round Homeschool and the unit studies they offer. The units are well planned and really do gather the whole family ‘round to learn.

Encyclopedia of Ordinary Things
From toilets to toothbrushes, this encyclopedia will enrich your child’s understanding of world history in a fun and humorous way.

Raddish Kids - Cooking Club for Kids Review
We love Raddish Kids! It is a cooking club and monthly subscription box for kids that provides quality recipes, tools and fun experiences for our families.

The Story Orchestra Books Review
We featured The Story Orchestra Books on our Coop Faves podcast! We love these beautifully illustrated, musical story books.

An Annual Theme Day: Star Wars Day
This annual tradition is a force to be reckoned with! May the Fourth Be With You theme day is a favorite homeschool day every May. It’s stacked full of bonding, activities, learning about space, and, well, forces.

Mrs. Wordsmith: Storyteller’s Word A Day
Our kids love Mrs. Wordsmith, specifically her Storyteller's Word A Day flip book. As moms, we love it too for three reasons and share it in our new podcast shorts - Coop Faves. Check out one of our most favorite language arts products here.

California History Unit Study
This custom California History Unit Study was designed by The Coop Homeschool. We curated an amazing collection of curriculum, reference books, historical fiction and paired it all with amazing hands-on adventures!

Growing Friendships: How Not To Talk About Your Children All the Time
Grab a cup of Jo and let’s talk…about everything BESIDES our children. Let’s expand our horizons.

Never Say Never: Things You Said You’d Never Do As A Parent
I said I would never assign a grade level to my child, but never say never.

Transitioning to Homeschooling: First Day of School
When transitioning from public school to homeschool, a new first day of school could be the visible, fun, and memorable transition that you all need. Read for tips, practical ideas, and a sample schedule for your customized first day of school.

How We Audio Book
One of our favorite Homeschool Hacks: Audio Books! We tell you how we do them in our home together and individually for some of our favorite homeschool moments.

The Real Curriculum is the Extra Stuff
It’s the extra stuff we learned as children that we remember, not the textbooks and workbooks.

A Winter Tradition: Decorating Day
Sweet cuddles and precious time together sharing a Christmas Decorating Day makes for lasting memories. We recommend certain elements in your special day for a full robust kick-off to the winter season.

How Our Donut Road Trip Made Me Awesome
Donuts? Donut road trip? With a homeschool bestie? You had me at DONUT! Donut say anything more – my two favorite worlds merging – food and homeschool – donut you know me at all? There is no question about it! We’re going! And we went! And it was everything I dreamed it would be.

Homeschool Hack: Add Novelty to Improve Focus & Attention
Promote attention and focus in your child’s learning by adding novelty - not just buying new things, but implementing activities that provide novel learning experiences!

Modern Day Mentors: When Media Mentors our Children
Who do you let into your home on a regular basis? Is it possible that the stranger on social media, or a fictional character on a TV show or movie is getting to mentor your child more than the people who actually know and love your child? We touch on this as we look at author John Taylor Gatto’s thoughts on modern day mentors.

A Missed Opportunity in Homeschooling: Pumpkin Mold
Missed opportunities are rampant when homeschooling your children, because every piece of life can be a teachable moment. But, this time, I really missed out on a great opportunity to teach my children about a very present fungi found almost everywhere, including our carved pumpkins.

Road Trip Tip: The Gift of the Goody Bag
There’s one magic thing you can do daily that can make all the difference in traveling with a friend, spouse, or child. It’s the daily goody bag.

Fears of a Homeschool Mom
You are not alone. Every homeschool mom has fears about how her homeschooling decisions impact her child. Take heart though, while your child grows, so do you.