Handling Santa Claus: When your children do not believe in magical figures but others do.
Real or not real? Our children handle this sensitive question sometimes daily in December, but it is good practice in laying the groundwork for how to share one’s innermost self and truth, with a loving heart.

School Rules: The Hidden Curriculum in Institutionalized Schools
Children these days are laden with rules galore - and the majority of these rules are from institutionalized schooling. So, does school rule? We share our thoughts on an award-winning public school teacher’s commentary on School’s hidden curriculum.

Favorite Enrichment Book Series: Who was…Where is…What is…
This book series helps you build the unit study, create an enriching learning experience for your co-op, and make your road trip more memorable!

Bells of Confinement: Musings On
Remember the bells commanding you throughout your days in institutionalized school? We jump off from Gatto’s thought-provoking preface about bells and more to dive into how those confining signals might seep into our own homeschooling routines. Sometimes we need a little reminder that we are free.

A Few of My Fearsome Things: Halloween
Spooky fun, gurgling cauldrons, and ghoulish opportunities for creativity are what a homeschool Halloween is all about! We share our fearsome four Halloween favorites with how-to’s and free downloadables.

10 Tips for Road Trips: Planning
Road trips can be the ultimate immersive learning experience - but it takes proper planning to make it the epic trip of your dreams. This planning how-to will really start your engine!

Homeschooling Birthday Parties: Making the Plan
Planning birthday parties is a fun, child-led opportunity for teaching your children event planning. Here’s a simple checklist and some easy tips to walk your child through this fun process.

First Week of School: Interview Your Kids on Film
Interview your kids your first week of school. This will build a treasure chest of your child’s first hand thoughts on experiences, favorites, fears, and dreams that you will cherish for a lifetime.

Identifying as a Homeschool Mom
I identify as a “Homeschool Mom,” but there is so much more to me.

What Is Socialization?
Socialization often comes up as one of the first concerns people have when they think of homeschooled children. Many people think (wrongly) that homeschooled children don’t interact often enough with others to be well socialized. We believe that much of this concerns comes from not understanding what socialization really is.

Summer Recharge: 5 Ways to Renew Your Homeschool Spirit
It’s summer, so let’s recharge our homeschool inspiration! With a these few ideas, your summer will not fly by and will feel intentional and renewing for your homeschool spirit.

Looking Forward to Planning Your Year with the Benefits of Looking Back
It’s so much fun to plan our homeschool year. With reflection and the necessary tools (free downloadables!), you can plan the year of your dreams.

Permission to Fail
Homeschooling is hard. Parenting is hard. We are going to make mistakes, and we are going to do things wrong. We need to give ourselves permission to fail.

Interacting With Homeschool Haters
We all encounter haters in our lives. Some haters are people easy to dismiss and others are important people in our lives who disagree loudly with us. Either way, when it comes to homeschooling, it is important to know how to interact with the haters.

No Content Left Behind: Managing Expectations for Grade Level Standards
As homeschoolers, do we need state standards? Will necessary content be left behind if we do not follow the standards? We discuss educational gaps and more here and on our podcast, episode 40.

My Failed Plan: Finding the Good in a Homeschool Fail
Have you planned your homeschool day, week, month, or year, and completely failed at your plan? I did! But, here’s what I learned.

Motivating My Child to Learn: Sticker Charts and Why They Don’t Stick
What motivates your child? We dive into what types of motivation are driving your kids, and how to be intentional with helping your child with his motivation.

Intentional Time Together: One Essential of a Homeschool Day
What is one essential in a homeschool day? Intentional time together! It’s not all about academics, it’s about time creating, playing, and learning together.