How to Help Children with Friendships
Friendship is a huge component of helping our children live a joyful life! Navigating friendships can be both beautiful and challenging. It is important that we, as parents, equip ourselves to guide our children and help foster healthy friendships.

Benefits of Board Games
Board games have many developmental benefits, some of which you may not have thought of. Learn more and get recommendations for our favorite games to play as a family.

Benefits of Seeing Live Performances
Living in the digital age, taking in live performances is becoming a lost art. There are many benefits to children in seeing live performances.

My Kid is Bored
What should we do when our kids give us the boredom report? We all have mixed feelings when it comes to our kids feeling or saying that they are bored. But there’s more to boredom than what we typically know and believe about it.

Kindergarten Picture Books
Whether it’s on the couch cuddling with you or with a flashlight in their bed at night, reading with your kindergartener is magic. With all the benefits it brings, choosing beautiful, magical, and meaningful books creates the ideal moment for learning with and bonding with your little one. Here are some of our our children’s favorites.

10 Homeschool Hacks
It's the small things we do throughout our homeschool days that make our lifestyle a bit easier. We offer 10 shortcuts to creating the homeschool life you want.

Idol of School
Have we let school become an idol? So much conversation centers around kids’ schooling, including: achievements, success, challenges, and interventions. We all seem so concerned about measuring our kids, that I have to ask: is our focus on school healthy?

Character Complexity - Teaching History without Heroes and Villains
Let’s stop canceling historical figures and stop hero-worshiping them too. Instead, let’s teach historical figures as complex people, just like you and me.

How Working Moms Homeschool
Having to work shouldn’t be a barrier for parents to homeschool their children, sometimes it just takes creative problem solving.

Learning Through Pets
Does your child want a pet? Use this opportunity to teach life skills like researching, budgeting, planning ahead, and more! We share a free checklist to help your child research the necessary information you will all need to make an informed decision.

10 Tools to Enrich Your Homeschool Life
A few tools can make a huge difference in your homeschool life, and we share our favorite ones! From binding machines to must-have resources, you can customize and build the homeschool life you want.

Raising Critical Thinkers - Book Review
Julie Bogart, author of The Brave Learner and creator of The Brave Writer, came out with a new book this year, Raising Critical Thinkers. We read it and review it for you.

Why Teach History Through Games
Ordinary people who lived extraordinary lives are what makes history fascinating! It’s important to find ways for your children to connect with history so that they too can enjoy the triumphs of others - and games are one way.

10 Ways to Add Magic to Your Homeschool Life
Sometimes, to find a deeper joy in homeschooling, you just need to add a little magic! From unique learning adventures like a "Donut Road Trip" to allowing space for a large portion of free time, we provide a fun and creative list of 10 ways to add magic to your homeschool life.

Is My Child Ready for Kindergarten?
This topic is one that stresses out many parents, but it is important to recognizing kindergarten readiness and when to push. Let’s define kindergarten and then look at what is developmentally feasible.

Music Education in the Home
Music education is a non-negotiable subject in our homes. Music is a core subject, not an extra. Young children have so much to benefit from music education, it’s time to add it to your homeschool.

10 Tips for Planning Your Homeschool Year
One of our favorite things about homeschool is planning out all the amazing things we want to teach our kids. Over the years we’ve experienced both extremes: over-planning and under-planning. Both can be frustrating, but will a few of our best tips, you can plan an awesome school year of your own.

Living History Experiences
Living History is an exciting way to be immersed in a specific time period or event in history.

This math curriculum is simple, easy to follow, and will help your child master the most important math concepts!

Welcome to the Museum Books Review
The Welcome to the Museum Books present a subject that is meant to be like walking through a museum. The large books are beautifully illustrated and curated well by experts in the field.